There's nothing more fun than dressing up.

Popcultchah is a life-inspires-fashion blog filled with beautiful clothes, genius people and lots of thoughts about style. Our mandate? To show all sides of the style coin, comprehensively and without discrimination.

My Three Fashion Philosophies:

Portrait of Poppy Dada

Ladies, gentlemen, fashionist-Ahs and Ohs, I hold but three convictions in fashion and these are them. They serve as a good introduction to my blahgg (that's dutch for "blog") as they truly paint a portrait of my style personality:

1. I advocate creating outfits based on the principles of ORBITAL STYLE.

2. I believe no one item by itself is impossible to wear. (See THE IMPOSSIBLES)

3. Careful thought is all it takes to predict the trends. (Or hallucinatory drugs, in a pinch)