There's nothing more fun than dressing up.

Popcultchah is a life-inspires-fashion blog filled with beautiful clothes, genius people and lots of thoughts about style. Our mandate? To show all sides of the style coin, comprehensively and without discrimination.

2. The Impossibles

Everyone loves a good challenge! It can inject new life into an old hobby- something that, frankly, might've been getting too easy. Face it fashionistas/os, you know what's hip to wear- that's easy. But can you MAKE something cool? They say it's the real test of a true style icon- introducing something new, having an avant garde signature item. Or even just doing something no one thought possible.
That's what "The Impossibles" is all about, challenging yourself as a veteran styler who's "been there, done that", because, in the fashion world, no one can state that truthfully. I admit my very own self. There is a huge amount of things I have never tried, and large amount that I'm very afraid of trying. But I will do it. For the love of this great and everchanging world of fashion: I will attempt to make fashionable outfits around "impossibles"- items so tacky that any normal fashion-lover's eyes would tear up at the very sight of them. I have stockpiled some here:

However, I can't possibly range far enough. If any of you dear readers would care to, I would enjoy it at a heightened level if you would send me pictures of the most detestable items you can find, for me to attempt and stylize!